Germany is a government parliamentary republic in West Europe. It incorporates 16 constituent states, covers a territory of 357,021 sq km and has a to a great seasonal climate. Germany is the most crowded member state of the European Union. Behind the United States, the country is the second most prevalent immigration destination on the planet. Germany’s capital and biggest city is Berlin.

Population of Germany 2017

In the 21st century, the country is an extraordinary power and has the world’s fourth-biggest economy by ostensible GDP, and additionally the fifth-biggest by PPP. As a global pioneer in a few technological and industrial sectors. Germany is the world’s third-biggest exporter and shipper of merchandise. It is a developed country with a very high standard of living supported by a talented and gainful society.


Talking about population, in order to check out the population of Germany in 2017, we need to have a look at the population of the past 5 years. They are as per the following:

  1. 2012 – 80.43 Million
  2. 2013 – 80.62 Million
  3. 2014 – 80.7 Million
  4. 2015 – 80.76 Million
  5. 2016 – 80.82 Million

Getting from the past data of Germany from the year 2012-16, it has been noticed that there has been an increase of 0.39 Million in the past 5 years. Therefore, it has been seen that every year the population increases by 0.078 Million. Hence, the population of Germany in 2017 is estimated to be 80.82 Million + 0.078 Million = 80.898 Million. So, the population of Germany in the year 2017 as per estimated data = 80.898 Million.

GERMANY Population 2017 – 80.898 Million(Estimated)


The greater part of Germans are Christian, Roman Catholic (30%) or Protestant (29.8%), even though 1.4% of its population are likewise Orthodox Christians. Islam is the second biggest religion in the country and it is about 2.6%. The biggest single group is non believers, which constitute of about 34% of the population. The number of rationalists and atheists is quite high in Eastern Germany as compared to in Western Germany, generally as a result of the Communist East German state’s arrangement of demoralizing religious conviction.


The population density of Germany is 227 persons per square kilometer. The country is a representation of the reduction in fertility rates Europe has seen in the course of recent decades, and Germany found that it had lost 1.5 million individuals in its latest evaluation. This news was somewhat of an astound to the nation, which had not directed a solitary statistics since its reunification, even after the Berlin Wall fell in the year 1989. It appears Germany missed this population misfortune since its people esteem privacy and the last enumeration in the year 1987 was firmly restricted, and the one in the year 2011 was done in light of the fact that it was required by the European Union.

The country is presently battling a noteworthy population drop and numerous towns that were flourishing only a couple of decades back are presently loaded with empty homes that may not be sold. Its death rate has been higher as compared to its birth rate since the 1970s.

It is evaluated that the nation will shrivel by 2060 to only 71 million. With a birth rate that is one of the least on the planet, the number of inhabitants in Germany could well drop to around 65-70 million throughout the following 50 years.


  1. German law keeps up that it is a fundamental human intuition to be free and in this way, prisoners have the privilege to escape imprison. Escapes hardly go unpunished in light of the fact that detainees are held at risk on the off chance that they may harm property or do bodily harm against any person after their breakout.
  2. German law boycott names that denote a particular family name or gender as a first name. In the year 2014, the most prominent children’s names were Sophie for a young girl and Maximilian for a small boy.
  3. The worker workforce pads the impacts of Germany’s low birth rate, increasing life expectancy as well as maturing society; the UN predicts the number of citizens in the work environment will tumble to 54 percent by the year 2030.
  4. Germany additionally boasts more than 400 enlisted zoos. Counting zoological greenhouses, wildlife parks, aquariums or animal reserves, it has about 700 facilities.
  5. The citizens of Germany drank 2.55 billion gallons of brew in the year 2012, the lowest level since the reunification in the year 1990, however that is still more than any other person in Europe separated from the Czechs.

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